Sunday, April 24, 2011

Superstitions and Miracles.

In my youth, I recall several times when my parents sold homes and moved.  The most vivid one included a young 12 year old me being shipped off to camp for 9 weeks over the summer.  It would not be an easy task to keep a house clean with a pre-pubescent, bored child in the house.  Those 9 weeks at Harand Theatre Camp in Elkhart Lake, WI, were good weeks and I still have a friend that I am lucky to be in touch with via Facebook.

One of the things I learned from my Jewish mother (this being said slightly tongue in cheek considering my children are presently munching quite happily on their Easter treats-this was not learned from my Catholic husband) was the power of St. Joseph.  

I have recollections of my mother burying St. Joseph, head down, in a corner of our yard, when she was attempting home sales.   My mother would sing "Thank Goodness for St. Joseph" in the tune of the baby aspirin commercials.   Whether St. Joseph assisted her in these sales, I will never know.  I did consider his holiness the last time I attempted to sell my home but I never made my way to the Catholic Bookstore to search out the little man of faith.

And then came AMAZON.   

Who would think that there were so many versions of our little helper out there?  So last Wednesday, with a giggle and a click, I sent for our man St. Joseph.  Three days later….there he be.

So now the conundrum begins….

Where do I place him?  Should I wait until our house is on the market or do I use this holiest of Christian holidays as a day of prayer to our friend  Saint Joseph?

I in no way want to minimize the Catholic beliefs in the power of their Saints.  I also feel that since my Jewish mother felt there was a power in these prayers, I too, feel the need to use it as it was meant.  I will pray to him and bury my little friend in the hopes that he will look down in my favor.   I hope you all will too.


  1. How do I edit? Attempted to sell my home. I must learn to proof read better.

  2. Click on dashboard, and then edit posts.

    I hope he helps you too. Can't have too many prayers in your corner.

  3. i have read that he needs to go in the back corner of the yard... and in one other case by the back steps... so the common thread is "in the back yard"... good luck with selling and may St. Joseph come through for you!
